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ResercherID: Y.Hatsugai

Web 記事 - 量子液体の幾何学的位相による特徴付け


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研究解説:  » 量子液体
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hatsugai 2009-11-25 18:17

量子液体はその名前にもあるように本質的に量子効果をその基盤とするものです。そう考えると幾何学的位相が量子系の本質的側面を記述していると見なしたと き、幾何学的位相により量子液体相を記述、特徴付けようとするのは極めて自然であるとすらいえます。量子的状態とは近年量子計算等の研究の進展で広く知ら れるに至りましたがその局所摂動に対する応答ですら局所的ではなく系全体に及びます。よって量子的波動関数を作業対象とする幾何学的位相を用いた相分類、 特徴付けを考えることは局所場の理論に基づく局所秩序変数に基づくこれまでの相分類、相転移理論とは本質的に異なるものとなります。
すこし細か くなりますが、幾何学的位相を用いた量子液体の特徴付けに関する私の研究をすこし紹介しましょう。量子液体では通常の秩序変数が使えないわけと何度もいい ましたが、では何を作業変数として物理をやればよいのでしょうか? 私は、この問いに対する答えとしてその作業変数として幾何学的位相を用いた「トポロジ カルな量」を用いることを提案し具体的なスキームを具体例とともに提示しています。ここで物理量といわず「量」といったのは通常の古典的対応物の存在する 物理量はエルミート演算子に対応するわけですが、ここでの「トポロジカルな量」は演算子としての対応物を持たないからです。この理論では、エルミート演算 子ではなく、ベリー位相の議論の際に用いられたベクトルポテンシャルを一般化したベリー接続と呼ばれるものを基本的作業変数として議論を進めます。その 際、系の特徴付けを行うためには密度、磁化、等の様な連続量を使うこともできますが、ここでの理論では「量子化」された「トポロジカルな量」を構成するこ とを目指します。量子化された量をもちいれば相の分類が明確であることは明らかでしょう。これを用いると古典的秩序変数とは異なるトポロジカルな秩序変数 を構成することもできるのです。量子液体相では本質的な局所的な秩序変数は存在しないと繰り返してきましたがこの古典的対応物を持たない量を用いることで 量子液体相に対するトポロジカルな局所的秩序変数を構成することができるのです。最近その一般論をつくるとともに重要ないくつかの例であるフラストレート したスピン系、2量体(ダイマー)化した電子系に関して具体的な適用結果を示しました。


トラックバックpingアドレス http://rhodia.ph.tsukuba.ac.jp/~hatsugai/modules/d3blog/tb.php/10
今年もやります。まずは量子力学3(遠隔). 冬は 統計力学2 改め物性理論II (大学院「ベリー接続の理論とバルクエッジ対応」). 令和二年の新年あけましておめでとうございます。今年もあと-1204日!
投稿者 : hatsugai 投稿日時: 2020-11-03 10:00:50 (4890 ヒット)

Thouless' (adiabatic) pump in one-dimension is a typical topological phenomena characterized by the Chern number that correspondes to the quantized motion of the center of mass (COM). Although the COM is only well-defined with boudary (to set the origin of the coordinate), the COM experimentally observed is given by the bulk and the edge states do not contribute. Ultimate adiabaticity, that has never been achieved experimentaly, supports the quantization of the COM supplemented by the periodicity of the system with boundaries. This is the unique bulk-edge correspondence of the pump. We here propose a generic construction using a phase boundary line of the symmetry protect phase with two parameters works as a topological obstruction of the pump in extended parameter space. The construction is purely of manybody and the interaction can be one of the parameters. Have a look at "Interaction-induced topological charge pump" by Yoshihito Kuno and Yasuhiro Hatsugai, Phys. Rev. Research 2, 042024(R), (2020) (Open access)

投稿者 : hatsugai 投稿日時: 2020-10-28 10:28:43 (6046 ヒット)

The Dirac cone is a typical singular energy dispersion in two dimensions that is a source of various non-trivial topological effects. When realized in real/synthetic materials, it is generically tilted and the equi-energy surface (curve) can be elliptic/hyperbolic (type I/II). The type III Dirac cone is a critical situation between the type I and II that potentially causes various non-trivial physics. As for realization of the type III Dirac cones, we are proposing a generic theoretical scheme without any fine tuning of material parameters . It may also help to synthesize in meta materials. The molecular orbital (MO) construction of the generic flat bands which we are also proposing plays a crutial role. Have a look at "Type-III Dirac Cones from Degenerate Directionally Flat Bands: Viewpoint from Molecular-Orbital Representation" by Tomonari Mizoguchi and Yasuhiro Hatsugai, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 89, 103704 (2020) Also arXiv:2007.14643. The paper has been selected as an Editors' choice of J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. (Sep. 2020). See also "News and comments" by Prof. N. Nagaosa.

投稿者 : hatsugai 投稿日時: 2020-10-01 16:07:56 (5361 ヒット)

Motivated by a historical example, the Dirac Hamiltonian as a square-root of the Klein-Gordon Hamiltonian, its lattice analogue has been discussed recently. Zero energy states are shared by the parent and its descendant. The story is more than that. Not necessarily zero energy but its high energy part can also share topological characters. We hereby propose a “square-root higher order topological insulator (square-root HOTI)” when its squared parent is HOTI. Based on the simple observation that square of the decorated honeycomb lattice is given by a decoupled sum of the Kagome and honeycomb lattices, we have demonstrate that the “corner states” of the breezing Kagome lattice with boundaries share topological characters with its descendant as the decorated honeycomb lattice. Have a look at our recent paper just published online, "Square-root higher-order topological insulator on a decorated honeycomb lattice" by Tomonari Mizoguchi, Yoshihito Kuno, and Yasuhiro Hatsugai, Phys. Rev. A 102, 033527 (2020), also arXiv:2004.03235.

投稿者 : hatsugai 投稿日時: 2020-09-17 11:42:01 (5096 ヒット)

As for a topological characterization of a full Liouvillian (including jump term) for the non hermitian fractional quantum Hall states, we are proposing a pseudospin Chern number associated with the Niu-Thouless-Wu type twists in the doubled Hilbert space. Numerical demonstration of the proposal is explicitely given and its validity is discussed. Have a look at "Fate of fractional quantum Hall states in open quantum systems: Characterization of correlated topological states for the full Liouvillian" by Tsuneya Yoshida, Koji Kudo, Hosho Katsura, and Yasuhiro Hatsugai, Phys. Rev. Research 2, 033428 (2020) (open access).

投稿者 : hatsugai 投稿日時: 2020-08-16 14:53:28 (5569 ヒット)

Adiabatic deformation of gapped systems is a conceptual basis of topological phases. It implies that topological invariants of the bulk described by the Berry connection work as topological order parameters of the phase. This is independent of the well-established symmetry breaking scenario of the phase characterization. Adiabatic heuristic argument for the fractional quantum Hall states is one of the oldest such trials that states the "FRACTIONAL" state is deformed to the “INTEGER”. Although it is intuitive and physically quite natural, there exist several difficulties. How the states with different degeneracy are deformed each other adiabatically? We have clarified the questions and demonstrated this adiabatic deformation on a torus in the paper "Adiabatic heuristic principle on a torus and generalized Streda formula" by Koji Kudo and Yasuhiro Hatsugai , Phys. Rev. B 102, 125108 (2020) (also arXiv:2004.00859) What is deformed continuously is a gap not the states ! This is also sufficient for the topological stability of the Chern number (of the degenerate multiplet) as a topological order parameter. Have a look at.

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    科研費 1992年度:電子系スピン系におけるトポロジカル効果
    科研費 1994年度:物性論におけるトポロジーと幾何学的位相
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    [3] JPS Fall meeting, JAPAN (2004)
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    [6] Superclean workshop, Nasu (2006)
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    [8] KEK, Tsukuba (2007)
    [9] ETH, Zurich (2008)
    [10] ICREA, Sant Benet (2009)
    [11] JPS Meeting, Kumamoto (2009)
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    [13] NTU, Singapore (2011)
    [14] ICTP, Trieste (2011)
    [15] Villa conf., Orland (2012)
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